Journal of Bengal Art Volume 16

Vol. 16, 2011: 311 Pages, Plates 156 B/W and Colour 30; Size 11" x 9"; Tk. 1500/ US $ 50.
Heinrich Poell |
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The Evolution of the Ashta–Maha– Pratiharya Iconography and its impact on Later Buddhist Art. |
Suchandra Ghosh |
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Buddhist Votive Tablets across Asia: Case Studies from Eastern India, Bangladesh,Thailand And Myanmar |
AKM Yaqub Ali |
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Subject-Wise Classification of the Inscription on the Architectural Edifices of Bengal Sultanate: A Search for the Consistency of the Beginning Portion of the Text with the Main Theme. |
Andrea Loseries |
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Sacred Sclupture Relics of the Bakreshvar Temple, Birbhum, West Bengal. |
Zulekha Haque |
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Facets of Life on Terracotta Monuments. |
Gouriswar Bhattacharya |
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Vahana of Buddha, The planetary Deity, Illustrated in Bengal. |
Gerd J. R. Vevissen |
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Independent Sculptures of Single plan etary Deities from Eastern India: Problems of Identification. |
Joseph T. O’Connell |
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Revisiting Art, Architecture and Archeology as Sources for the History of Religion in Bengal. |
Rita Dutta |
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Kushana Terracottas from Lauriya- Nandangarh in the Collection of Indian Museum, Kolkata. |
Sutapa Sinah |
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A new Light on the significance of Lion Motif appeared on Coins and on a single Inscription of the Sultans of Bengal. |
Anna A. Slaczka |
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The Iconography of the Deities in the Devyamata,an Early Shaiva Pratisthatantra, and the Art of Bengal. |
Asok Datta & Doyel Banerjee |
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Archaeology of Sundarban: An Over view. |
Farhana Mannan |
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Are Durga and Dargah the same? Tracing the Roots of Veneration Rituals in Historic Muslim Shrines in Bengal. |
Chotima Chaturawong |
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Art and Architecture of Pagan in Burma and Eastern India under Pala-Sena Kings. |
Niaz Zaman |
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Stitches to Time. |
Khoundkar Alamgir |
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Gateways in Sultanate Architecture of Bengal. |
Paola G. Tinti |
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Buddhism in Pre-Pala East Bengal According to Chinese Sources. |
Rituparna Basu |
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Folk Arts and the Poetics of Durga Puja in Bengal in the 21st Century. |
Sudipa Ray Bandyopadhyay |
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Parinaya Scenes in the Vaivahika Images of Siva. |
Sarita Khettry |
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Social Role of Monasteries in Bengal in Early Medieval Period. |
Nasir Uddin Mobin |
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Unusual Objects from Excavated Buddhist Monasteries of Bangladesh. |