SBAS NO. 3. Archaeological Investigation In Bogra District


SBAS NO. 3. Archaeological Investigation In Bogra District, S. S. M. Rahman, 2000; Size: 11" x 9" pp 300; illus. 84 B/W and 32 in Colour; Map; Bibliography; Index; ISBN 984-814-001-8; Tk. 1250/US $ 35

In the present book the author undertook scientific documentation of the archaeological sites of Bogra district in Bangladesh by extensive exploration over a number of seasons. The value of this work is in the fact that the author examined first hand the sites with a critical eye evaluating the evidence afresh.This study encompasses sites belonging to a period from Early Historic to Early Mediaeval and is likely to remain as a source book for Bangladesh archaeology and the field oriented scholars will find it as a model for their further work.