SBAS NO. 1. Essays on Buddhist Hindu Jain Iconography and Epigraphy


SBAS NO. 1. Essays on Buddhist Hindu Jain Iconography and Epigraphy, Gouriswar Bhattacharya, 2000; Size: 11" x 9" pp 654; illus. 369 B/W and 1 in Colour; Map; Bibliography; Index; ISBN 984-31-0854-X; Tk. 2000/US $ 45

This anthology of 55 articles by a scholar as erudite as Dr. Gouriswar Bhattacharya undoubtedly represents a major advance on our knowledge of Buddhist, Hindu and Jain iconography and epigraphy, particularly  for   the  region  of Bangladesh and  Eastern India. The historians, art historians, epigraphists and archaeologists, however they may be categorised, would benefit tremendously from the painstaking deliberations of Dr. Bhattacharya.